In 1994, the Company undertook a public offering of its 18,000,000 shares with par value of Rp 1,000 per share through the stock exchanges in Indonesia at offering price of Rp3,000 per share. In May 1997, the Company distributed 35,400,000 bonus shares from its additional paid-in capital and changed the par value of shares from Rp1,000 to Rp500 per share (stock split). In October 1997, the Company distributed share dividends totaling 26,432,000 shares with a par value of Rp500 per share or a total of Rp13,216,000,000, which increased fully paid capital to 215,232,000 shares. In 2000, the Company capitalized all of its additional paid-in capital, increment in assets and liabilities due to tax amnesty, and a portion of revaluation increment in property, plant and equipment to share capital by issuing 43,046,400 bonus shares with par value of Rp500 per share or a total of Rp21,523,200,000, wherein owners of five (5) shares registered in the shareholders' register as of September 27, 2000 was entitled to receive one (1) bonus (new) share. In 2004, 2002 and 2001, the Company had issued 84 , 768 , 494 shares, 97 , 361 , 291 shares and 88,066,495 shares, respectively, with par value of Rp500 per share or amounting to Rp42,384,247,000, Rp 48 , 680 , 645 , 500 and Rp 44 , 033 , 247 , 500 , respectively, arising from the conversion of its convertible bonds – series III, series II and series I, as approved in the Shareholders' Extraordinary General Meeting, which was covered by Notarial Deed No. 56 dated December 20, 2000 of Dyah Ambarwaty Setyoso, S.H. In 2005, the Company has issued 480,042,989 shares with par value of Rp 500 per share or amounting to Rp240,021,494,500 arising from conversion of restructured debt.As of December 31, 2023 and 2022 all of the Company's issued and fully paid shares are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Throughout 2023, the Company did not carry out corporate actions that caused changes in shares, such as stock splits, reverse stocks, stock dividends, bonus shares, changes in the nominal value of shares, issuance of convertible securities, or capital additions and reductions.